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Hanna Nitrite High Range Pocket Checker

Hanna Nitrite High Range Pocket Checker


What is Hanna Nitrite High Range Pocket Checker?

The Hanna Nitrite High Range Pocket Checker is ideal for marine, salt and fresh water aquariums, along with environmental, water quality and wastewater testing. The Checker is a simple, accurate, and cost effective way to measure high ranges of nitrite. The checker is supplied with reagents for 6 tests. The reaction between nitrite and the reagent causes a greenish/brown tint in the sample.

The checker is useful for initial measurements of nitrite when trying to establish good ammonia/nitrite/nitrate control. Suitable for all types of aquaculture, the ultimate aim is to decrease nitrite levels so that the low range of ultra-range nitrite checker can be used for optimum tank health.

Nitrite can lead to tissue damage, illness and death of aquatic life, so regular checks can help aquarists identify rising nitrite levels before fish begin to suffer.

Key Features:

  • Nitrite levels from 0 to 150ppm
  • Small palm-sized design
  • Accurate from ±3 ppm ±5% of reading
  • Dedicated to a single parameter
  • Uses a single AAA battery
  • Auto Power Off after 10 minutes in inactivity
  • Built-in timer for timed reaction readings

What are Nitrite High Range Reagents?

Also available to purchase are replacement reagents that are compatible with this device and come as a pack of 25. Hanna Replacement Reagents are high-quality reagents for Hanna chemical test kits and Hanna instruments, which are designed to identify different chemicals within your aquarium or pond. These high-quality reagents are pre-measured, allowing users to achieve fast and accurate measurements with each of their pocket checkers. These reagents follow the DPD Method in which the reaction between the element and reagent causes a tint in the sample. By simply adding the packet of reagent to the sample, the reaction will take place and you can determine the concentration from the colour that is produced. The results will be displayed on the pocket checker LCD screen.

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